


China’s strategic influence in Central Asia intensified, case of Kyrgyzstan

June 19, 2024

The geopolitical landscape in Central Asia has shifted significantly post-Russia's invasion of Ukraine, with China rapidly filling the resulting power vacuum. This shift is particularly evident in Kyrgyzstan, where China's economic influence has surged, with trade turnover rising from $737 million in 2021 to over $4 billion in 2022. Major projects, including the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway and various investments in energy, agriculture, and infrastructure, have been announced. While these developments offer substantial economic growth opportunities for Kyrgyzstan, they also bring potential risks, such as high-interest Chinese loans and concerns about transparency and labor conditions, requiring careful management to ensure sustainable benefits.


Azerbaijan-Kyrgyzstan Strengthen Bilateral Ties through Key Agreements

May 13, 2024

The visit of President Sadyr Zhaparov of Kyrgyzstan to Azerbaijan marked a significant step in strengthening bilateral ties between the two nations. Key agreements were signed, including a Joint Declaration and a Memorandum of Understanding on energy cooperation, highlighting their commitment to deepening strategic relations. Discussions also emphasized cooperation in trade, investment, and transportation. The visit showcased Azerbaijan's role in hosting regional events and commemorating shared cultural heritage. Additionally, agreements were reached on education cooperation, with Azerbaijan offering study opportunities for Kyrgyz citizens. Overall, the visit underscored the determination of both countries to enhance partnership and unlock economic potential for mutual benefit.


Central Asia-India energy cooperation

May 9, 2024

This article delves into the burgeoning partnership between India and Central Asia, focusing particularly on energy cooperation and its potential to deepen bilateral relations. Highlighting India's strategic interest in the region's abundant energy resources, including hydrocarbons and renewables, it emphasizes India's efforts to diversify its energy sources and secure its energy future. The piece underscores the significance of Central Asia as a crucial energy hub and outlines challenges such as connectivity issues and the need for infrastructural development. With insights from the inaugural India-Central Asia Summit and prospects for collaboration in areas like renewable energy and nuclear cooperation, the article paints a picture of evolving ties between the two regions driven by mutual interests and economic imperatives.


India-Central Asia can cooperate on agriculture sector for food security

May 1, 2024

The article explores the potential for cooperation between India and Central Asian nations in the agriculture sector to enhance food security in the region. It highlights the existing reliance of Central Asian countries on imported food items and agricultural resources, with significant portions sourced from Russia. The importance of trade relationships with Russia and intra-regional agricultural food trade is emphasized. Despite challenges, Central Asia is progressing towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 of Zero Hunger. However, issues such as sustainable agriculture and natural resource management remain critical for food security and rural welfare. The article suggests prioritizing land and forest management, enhancing resource efficiency, and promoting sustainable farming practices to achieve economic, social, and environmental benefits. Streamlining border procedures, creating agricultural clusters, and improving road connectivity are identified as key steps to overcome obstacles to cooperation. Conservation agriculture is proposed as a promising solution to increase agronomic yield while safeguarding natural resources. India is positioned to share its expertise in conservation agriculture with Central Asian countries. The article also discusses the importance of research and development in conservation agriculture and the potential impact of such technologies on production costs, yields, water efficiency, climate resilience, and soil health. Overall, the article advocates for collaboration between India and Central Asia to enhance agricultural productivity and food security in the region.


E-Commerce Landscape: Lessons from India and Opportunities for Central Asia

April 16, 2024

This paper examines the burgeoning Indian e-commerce sector and its potential to serve as a model for Central Asian countries seeking to develop their own digital economies. The analysis explores the factors that have propelled India's e-commerce growth, including a rapidly expanding internet user base, increasing smartphone penetration, and affordable data plans. It then contrasts this scenario with the current state of e-commerce in Central Asia, highlighting both existing opportunities and key challenges.